Update: Trending collections

Playlists revolutionized how we enjoy music. So why is the way we cook still living in the times of pre-iTunes?

Let's dive in 👇

Before 2001, all musicians owned their own websites. You would discover new artists on the radio and find their personal website with music.

Enter, iTunes in 2001 followed by YouTube in 2005. Both platforms played an integral role in uniting the disaggregated websites of musicians, thus allowing listeners to discover new artists communally.

But how do people find recipes today? Yep, you guessed it. Chef's. Individual. WEBSITES.

It's time that cooking caught up with what happened to music over 2 decades ago!

This past month, Pepper launched Collections: customizable folders of recipes collected across Pepper. Like playlists, but for recipes.

But what about suggested Collections? What about the playlists I never knew I needed until they landed on my Spotify Explore page?

Introducing, Trending Collections.

Hand-picked curated recipes catered to a certain cuisine, event, time of year, or anything else our team wakes up in the middle of the night thinking about.

Discoverable at the top of our freshly-picked new Explore page, Trending Collections will be your guide to what's being cooked TODAY!


Update: Smart Paste