Update: Smart Paste

We just added AI into Pepper, and it cut down recipe upload times by 90%.

Here's how it's NEVER been easier to share what you're cooking 👇

We've long thought about how to simplify the upload process.

Typing out the ingredients, adding in every amount, clicking into each serving & time input box, adding instructions, tagging each ingredient...

Plain & simple, it's tedious.

But what if it didn’t have to be?

Introducing, Smart Paste!

Smarte Paste takes a block of text and automatically organizes it in our recipe upload format.

Do you have recipes stored in your Notes but too lazy to type it all in? We can help.

Do you want to just type in a single string so you don't have to bounce between sections? Consider it done.

Do you prefer to talk into a text box and leave the organizing to us? We got you.

There are so many ways that AI can help us streamline the cooking experience, and Smart Paste is just the tip of the iceberg!

Stay tuned for more VERY soon.


Update: Trending collections


Update: Custom Cookbooks